Saturday, 19 February 2011

Tips To Avoid Gmail Space Shortage

You guy's may received that message "you have run out of space for your gmail account". This means that space allowed by gmail service is completely used and you have to find space to to store new emails. At beginning stage of  gmail it was given 1GB of inbox space which was hundred times larger than space provided by other email service providers. But nowadays many users ran out of their gmail inbox space quickly as they receive high quality video clips, pictures, PDF and other kind of data through email forwarding.

Here's some tips to get rid of the error message from google and continue to enjoy gmail services.

Delete Forwarded Mails

If your gmail account cant receive emails and it returns to the sender itself, you may confirm that you are out of space from gmail. To avoid space shortage, you have two options

1. You can server space from Google for a fee
2. Delete unwanted email messages from inbox and trash.

As you are a normal user, second method is more convinient. Unfortunately gmail does not provide any facility to filter out the larger emails and we have to find ourselves and delete the bigger emails in town.

Clean Gmail
There's a free service utility out there called Find Big Email. This website can filter out the emails having larger files. So it can be found from our inbox by search and deleted.

Catch Big Mails

  • Visit
  • Enter your gmail address
  • Findbigmail service scan you inbox and find the emails containing larger files
  • Here emails are put inside four folders according to their size 2MB, 500KB, 100KB etc
  • After finding the big mails, delete them from your inbox and trash ( delete forever)
  • Please to be noted that, it may take some time to process the request according to number of emails in your inbox.

Some other tips to avoid space shortage in Gmail

  • Delete unwanted emails at regular intervals
  • Avoid fun messages forfarding
  • Use file compressing softwares like winzip and winrar
  • Use JPEG format instead of tiff (.tiff) and .raw to reduce file size of pictures taken from digital camera. Set JPEG quality 7 to reduce size and optimum quality. To do this we can use Picassa or Photoshop software..
  • Normally the file size of pictures taken from home use cameras are 2-3 MB or more at 180 resolution. We can reduce the size to 120KB at 100 resolution
  • PDF quality can be controlled thereby the file size ( 12 is the full quality PDF but 7 is enogh)
  • Save word, open office document formats in .rtf instead of using .doc to save space.

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